Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blog 12

After watching the movie I can notice a lot of connections and differences between Sleep Dealer and The Matrix. One big similarity in both movies is that the humans were plugged into the virtual world. In Sleep dealer like in Matrix exist two worlds the real world and the dream world. In Sleep Dealer the real world is Mexico, rural area and a tough place to live and the virtual world is USA, very urban area. Humans had to leave their small villages and go to the city Tijauana where the technology was growing more and more. The humans choose to get nodes on their arms and necks, plug wires to get connected and start working in the virtual world. The human in Matrix didn’t have choice and they lived their whole life in the dream world, for a difference the humans in Sleep Dealer had a choice to plug in, and they got connected to the virtual world so they can work and support their families. Most of the people were getting plugged in because they wanted to escape their hard life like Memo who thought that on the other side life is much better. But when he got connected to the other side he realized that is not what he wanted, to be in a place where you just work and you cannot experience anything. While the girl was putting nodes on Memo’s bogy she said to him that sometimes you control the machine but sometimes the machine controls you. Just like in Matrix were the humans first controlled the machines but later the humans were controlled by the machines, so they wanted to fight against them and set free. The scenes were on area in Mexico, the actors were Latino and they were talking Spanish so this marks the movie as “particularly Latino”. At the end of this movie Memo makes a choice, leaves the city, the virtual world and goes back to his real world and continues to work hard and have a real life.

Blog 11

I think the trip to the Museum of the Moving Image was exciting and educational. From visiting the museum we find out how the people in the movie industry are using the sound. Also how the moving images are created in the movie, and how they use editing, I think this trip was informative because we learn about the history of the movies and TV. It was appealing to see how the box for the TV was made from furniture and for the people back then it was a part of their furniture; they had to watch the picture in the mirror. The most interested part of the tour for me it was the artifact who was spinning around and with the light turning off and on it was creating an illusion. Maybe the trip should have been a little earlier so we understand more the movie industry, but it was a great experience.

Essay 6

We want to protect ourselves from threats, but at the same time we are getting more and more interconnected to the rest of the world. In the book “Me++” William J. Mitchell compares two big cities Palma Nova in Italy and Manhattan in New York. In the city Palma Nova the citizens were building up walls to protect themselves from the attack and the evil in the outside world. With those walls the citizens were feeling protected and safe. Nobody was able to attack them except if they got tricked, for example from the history we know about Achilles wooden horse. In the horse inside were the soldiers ready to attack the city. The people from Palma Nova thought it was a gift so they open their gate, they were not safe anymore, and became vulnerable. With the gate open it was like their walls were down, their safety was gone, and they were attacked. Then in the book is mentioned Manhattan, modern big city in our own time. This city also gets attacked, but the citizens in the city cannot build physical wall to feel safe and protected. Most of the time from the attack depend what kind of defense to use. The attacks on the Palma Nova were physical, now in our time the attacks are different. They are attacks on our networks and connections to the rest of the world.
The city Palma Nova was sealed, but still had connections to the rest of the cities and villages. Now in our urban society through the networks we are connected to the whole world. For example Manhattan is connected to the other cities through road, water, air transportation. Each person is connected and depends on the network. Charles Moore states: “We have, as we all know instant anywhere, as we enjoy our capacity to make immediate electronic contact with people anywhere on the face of the globe…” (Mitchell 16). Our whole life depends on the network, we have network of transportation, energy, information and communication. By attacking one of these networks and bringing it down, it will cause big damage for the city and for us as well. Big damage can occur if a crucial link is attacked, when that link goes down then all of the links that were connected to that crucial link will crash. Therefore those crucial links are vulnerable, and that makes our society vulnerable too. Also by shutting down a node our whole network can fail. Similar to the different attacks, there are different ways how we can get protected. Our network is important because helps us to live our life more interesting, easier and saves us time. Because our networks are vulnerable we do need to protect them and make the right choice for our society.
Philosopher Immanuel Kant states: “Life is not the kind of experience you’ve had, but the kind of choices you’ve made. If you are always tried to do the right thing, then you are a good person even if things did not turn out the way you planned.” (Irwin 89). I agree and know that we have to make good choices and walk on the right path. If we get attacked then we cannot escape our fate, our destiny. However we have to try to prevent damage of developing more and damaging vulnerable links, and in addition damaging the whole network. Philosopher Richard Taylor states: “Fatalism is the belief that whatever happens is unavoidable.” (Irwin 91). For example in the movie “The Matrix” the Oracle encourages Neo to believe and make a choice, and to walk the path. Then Neo realizes he is the One and chooses to become the One and protect the other humans in the matrix. That was his fate and Morpheus and the other humans believed in him. We do need to believe in ourselves, and make a choice to protect ourselves, and people around us, we should have knowledge and experience to know if something is wrong with our world. Similar to in the matrix when from all the experience he had, Neo believed all his life was a dream until he woke up in reality. He was on a mission to save the human race. We also have to believe and to be saved, to know the difference between real and unreal, furthermore to know the truth. Most of the networks like the air transportation are organized around major hubs, so with the attacking one of these major hubs it comes to big and serious damage. The nodes, links and then eventually the whole network will go down. So these major hubs are vulnerable and it is more serious, and much more difficult to get prepared. From the attack on September 11, 2001, a lot of networks were damaged, like the telecommunication and the transportation network. That is why we need to be prepared for any attack and also protect our network. Only a week later after the attack on the World Trade Center, there was another attack. It was a different type of attack, virus attacked the Internet, and it cost economic damage. Now in our digital world we depend a lot from the technology, the Internet. By attacking that vulnerable network we will lose our connection with each other and the rest of the world. If we do not have the connections that define us as a person, we will feel lost in our own world.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blog 10

The major issue that the research writers are facing when writing a research paper is to avoid plagiarism. Other thing is to come across good topic and to find information related to that topic. I constantly have difficulties with the introduction as a result I change it a couple of times, until I assume I have good beginning with claim. I think I have improved in my writing but I still have to get better. Other issue that the writers face is the citation; every writer has to cite the resources. The time as well can be an issue therefore the writer has to plan ahead and after that begin writing the research paper.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Workshop 11/12/09

At first I was thinking to do a PowerPoint presentation with the book. But I choose option 3 to develop a research blog. What I’m going to accomplish is making a research blog on Blogger. The title of the book will be Macedonia. In the blog I will write the research and in my book I will have photographs. I will mail it to the web site so they can publish it for me.
My blog:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog 9

For the Research Project/Media Final I don’t have a subject but I’m thinking to write a book, regarding my country. I will write about my personal opinion about my home country and my hometown. I will also write about the history and the places that are worth to see. I will place pictures that I took when I went on a summer vacation in my home country and I will explain exactly what the pictures represent, therefore the book will be more interesting. I will also have a PowerPoint presentation explaining how I did my research and my sources.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Essay 3

We need to distinguish between the real and the unreal world so we know the truth.I agree with Gracia and Sanford‘s assessment, need to have knowledge and beliefs. Gracia and Sanford in the book use “source” and “ontological status” to determine the difference between the real and unreal world. But what is the real world? What is virtual world? With the help of the sources actually the causes we can answer those questions.
In the movie “Matrix”, Neo says: “If you are killed in the Matrix you die there?” Then Morpheus responds: “The body cannot live without the mind.” Which means the mind makes it real, everything is real or unreal. Whatever is real is not unreal, and whatever is unreal is not real. Neo doesn’t know the difference; if it wasn’t for Morpheus he wouldn’t know that the Matrix is actually a virtual world. If Morpheus did not lead him out of the dream world and free him, he wouldn’t know the truth. But he had knowledge and from his experience knew something was wrong with his world.
Neo has a lot of questions: “What is the Matrix?”, “What is reality?”, “What is a person?”, and “What is a relation between mind and body?” (Irwin 56). To answer these questions we need the metaphysics. From the dictionary, metaphysics means branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality and the relationship between mind and matter. The metaphysics in the movie “Matrix” refers to the film itself and refers to the virtual world that is presented in the movie. With the causes we can distinguish between the real world and the virtual world. The causes for the real world are not the same with the causes responsible for creating the virtual world. The real world is the humans, and the virtual world is the machines. Actually the Matrix is a computer program that is made by intelligent machines. Aristotle states: “All human beings by nature desire to know.” (Irwin 55). The mind need to realize what is real and what is unreal. In the movie they use a lot the word “mind.” Includes Neo’s mind, Morpheus‘s mind and the other humans minds. For a difference, in the virtual world are the machines that don’t have minds. The word ontology is mentioned in the book too, means branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being. The virtual world depends from the machines, and the machines depend from the humans. This is why they are using the human energy and body heat. The virtual world depends from the real world; as a result unreal world is weaker. On the other side is the real world that doesn’t depend from somebody or something.
Ontological status is the senses, things and language. With our senses, how we feel and perceive the world, with the things around us, how they came, and with the language we can distinguish the difference between the real and unreal. But like Pedro Calderon states: “Life is a dream.” (Irwin 55) maybe we can’t tell the difference between our life and our dreams that we have. When sometimes, the dreams appear so real to us.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blog 8

The physical boundaries that define me a person is my natural skin, cream that i use for my face every day. My layers of clothes define my body, in winter time i wear more layers of clothes. Also what defines my body and me as a person is my apartment, and all the things inside my apartment. I think my home country defines me as a person because i can still relate to that place. As well what defines me as a person is the bus i use every day, and the college. I think every person depends on the network,one of them that we use the most is the Internet, the phone, also we use the TV to break the boundaries. We do depend a lot on the technology in 21th Century. Our whole life depends on the network, we have network of transportation, energy, information and communication. Charles Moore states "We have, as we all know, instant anywhere, as we enjoy our capacity to make immediate electronic contact with people anywhere on the face of the globe..."(Mitchell 16). Now the communication between two persons doesn't have to be face to face, but they can talk with each other from a different places. We can have a conversation with electronic contacts through phones and video calls, makes it much easier and saves time. With Internet our message or email can be delivered much faster to anyone in the world. Also with our peronal computer, with the technology we can do multiply tasks and get the wanted results faster. In our digital world we can get the needed information faster and we can get connected with anyone and save more time. All of my boundaries define my body, as well define my life.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog 7

For Essay 4:Media mid-term, i wrote about Bill Gates and his influence on the Media. I did a lot of research on plenty web sites. I used the web site like where there are lot of information about his life and his company Microrosft. I did research on Gates Microsoft products: Windows, Windows 3.0. and the latest Windows 7 and i wrote how Microsoft products impacted the media. With everyone using personal computer and Microsoft, Interenet became one of the most influential source of media. For the PowerPoint i did research too, i used some of Bill Gates pictires and i placed it on my presentation, i also placed the images of Microsoft Windows which is one of the most well known image in the world. If a had a "do-over" i think i will do the same maybe just change some small details. On a scale 1-10 i will rate my effort 10 and rate my final product 9.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blog 6

We find out that the movie “Matrix” has similarity with Socrates cave, now we saw that the movie “Truman show” has similarities with both of them, with the “Matrix” and with the “Allegory of the cave”. In both of these movies the main characters don’t have a real life. They are prisoners in their own reality. Neo’s life is controlled by machines and Truman’s life is controlled by Christof who considers himself as God. In both of them, Neo and Truman have the free will, Neo makes the choice in the beginning, and Truman makes his choice at the end of the movie. Neo makes his choice with his experience and knowledge while Truman makes his choice on the fact that he wants to see and experience the world outside of Seahaven. I would have made the same choice like Truman, because I really wouldn’t want everyone to watch me as I try to live my normal life, making mistakes, learning from my own mistakes and trying to fix them. Also I will want to see what is on the other side of the door, the new and inexperienced world. I think everyone has a personal life and have the right to live their life as they want and make choices that they think are best for them and not having someone to make those choices for them.
At the end of the movie after Truman survives the lighting and the storm, Christof talks to him and tells him about his life and that he is been on a show all of his life. Christof tries to convince Truman to stay because he created this perfect place only for Truman. Truman makes the choice and leaves the show, the place and his life that he only knew. I think that on the other side of the door he expects to find the love of his life Sylvia. The real world will be very strange place for him because it is not perfect like Seahaven and it will be very difficult for him. Probably with the help of Sylvia he will adjust to the new world. The other thing is that he will be able to go and see other different places. Became an explorer like he always wanted to be and experience new things.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blog 5

In the “Matrix and Philosophy” Theodore Schick Jr. discusses the conflict between omniscience and free will. Omniscience means all knowing and free will is the choice that we make. I believe that the human being has free will, a choice to make and I believe in fate. We have our own choice, nobody is telling us what to do, how to do it, or which path to choose. I do think we make our own decisions but even those choices are fate. Everybody has a path in their life, and that path is determined by God. We always make choices, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but with making these choices we walk the path and our fate is to do that. God has a plan for every one of us, but we are the one that has the choice how it will occur. From the experience we had and knowledge each individual makes different choices and has a different effect from those choices.
Philosopher Immanuel Kant states: “Life is not the kind of experience you’ve had, but the kind of choices you’ve made. If you’ve always tried to do the right thing, then you are a good person even if things did not turn out the way you planned.”(Irwin pg.89). I agree we have to make good choices and walk on the right path. Philosopher Richard Taylor states:”Fatalism is the belief that whatever happens is unavoidable.” (Irwin pg. 91). The events will happen, and we cannot escape our fate, our destiny.
The Oracle doesn’t actually tell the future, she only tells Neo what he wants to hear. He doesn’t think he is the one, so she tells him that. She encourages him to believe and to make a choice, and to walk the path. But after that he realizes he is the one and has the free will to choose the red pill. Neo chooses to become the One, which was his fate and Morpheus, and the other humans believed in him.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog 4

In the movie Matrix, Neo says: If you are killed in the Matrix you die here? Then Morpheus responds: The body cannot live without the mind. That means the mind makes it real. And whatever is real is not unreal. Everything is real or unreal. But how do we know the difference, how do we know what is real and what is unreal? Even Neo does not know that. If it wasn’t for Morpheus he wouldn’t know the difference. If Morpheus did not lead him out of the dream world and free him he wouldn’t know the truth. But he had knowledge and from his experience knew something was wrong with his world.
In the book “Matrix and Philosophy” is mentioned the word metaphysics. From the dictionary this means branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality and the relationship between mind and matter. The metaphysics of The Matrix refers to the film itself and refers to the world presented in the film. Like Gracia and Stanford in the book use the words “source” and “ontological status” to determine the difference between the real and unreal or how in the film they say the virtual world. With the help of the sources actually the causes in our world we can answer the questions what is real and what is unreal? The causes for the real world are not the same with the causes responsible for creating the virtual world of Matrix. The Matrix is a computer program that is made by intelligent machines. And the real world comes from the humans. The word ontology is mentioned too in the book, means branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being. We know that the virtual world depends from the machines and they depend from the humans. That is way they are using the humans, their energy and body heat. This means the virtual world is weaker because depends from things in the real world. For a difference the real world doesn’t depend from somebody or something. What they use the most in the film is “mind”. Includes Neo’s, Morpheus’s and the other human’s minds. And in the other world are the machines that don’t have minds. I think the mind needs to realize what is real and what is unreal and then can be free.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog 3

After watching the movie Matrix I am asking myself the question what pill I will choose. Neo decide to take the red pill and face the desert of the real. Like the most people I think that will be my choice too, to learn the truth about the reality. Neo is confused and has a lot of questions. What is the Matrix? I have the same questions like how do we know the truth? Do we also live in the Matrix? Are we controlled by the machines? We can never know if there is someone who controls our mind. From the book Ignorance, Peter Unger suggests the possibility that all of us are controlled by an evil scientist. That our bodies and brains are separated, and the scientist is stimulating our brains. Deceives us into thinking all of the things around us are real. That actually our bodies are in a pod of pink goo like all the millions of pods in the matrix. And we are all born in prison for our mind. Morpheus tells that to Neo. But worse than that is to be in prison where you cannot escape.
Education means to “lead out” as the prisoner is lead out of the cave and Neo is lead out of the Matrix. When Neo decides to take the red pill he doesn’t get an answer for his question, what is the Matrix? Morpheus just tells him to believe in himself. Neo believes Morpheus and for him that’s true. And he is justified in believing in it. From all the experiences he had, Neo believes all his life was a dream until he wakes up in the reality. We also have to believe and to be saved. Neo would endure anything rather than return to false reality.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog 2

Through struggle we gain knowledge. Self knowledge is the key, and without it we can unlock no other knowledge worth having. In the movie Matrix Neo is seeking answers from the Oracle just like Socrates is from the priestess of the Apollo. The Oracle is showing Neo the sign “Know Thyself”. Neo has to know himself and believe in himself, and then to fulfill the Prophesy and free humanity.
Neo and the others in the Matrix are born in the world that for them is real. Like in the Socrates cave the prisoners are chained and live their whole life in the cave. One of the prisoners gets free and then he realize that the world that he was living is not real and there is more to life. In the movie Neo is freed from the Matrix. First he cannot accept that all his life he had been living in a dream. And he has to prove to himself that is the real world, and to help the others.
Morpheus believes Neo is the one, he tells him that he was born in a world that is prison for the mind. And that he needs to free his mind. He was the chosen one and like Jesus was chosen to spread the word of God. Jesus was helping and feeding the people, he was doing miracles turning the rocks into bread and fish. And Neo had power to stop the machines that were attacking the ship. He also had power to fight and fly. Neo is on a mission to save the human race and Socrates is on a mission to wake up the people so they can join him in seeking knowledge. Socrates realized that the unexamined life is not worth living. Mind is more important than matter.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blog 1

In the Allegory of the cave, the prisoners in the cave know that the shadows thrown on the wall by the fire behind them are real. To the prisoners the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images. After so many years we can still relate it to our everyday lives. Some people still live in their own realm of reality and I believe each one of us is still a prisoner in our own Allegory of the cave. We see Allegory of the cave as an illusion ones self reality, it is a distortion of all reality. We have to open our eyes and see the world around us. We have to break free to see the truth.
Like one of the prisoners we must walk from the darkness into the light. Stepping out of the cave and seeing the sun represents enlightenment, and opens a better understanding about life. Then the prisoner goes back to the darkness of the cave to free other prisoners. But they reject him and threaten to kill him. That is a direct representation of our typical behaviors in society. If I were in Socrates cave I would break free from the chain and take a step outside from the things that are familiar to me inside the cave, to see the world and learn more about life.
I believe at this point in my life I feel like that I was a prisoner in the cave who finally broke away from the chains. Once in a while I wander back to the cave not to forget where I came from.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

About Me

My name is Nadica, I was born in small town Kocani Macedonia which is located in Eastern Europe. I finished High School there and after school I started working in a café in my local town. After 2 years of working there I decided to try and get a work visa and come to the United States and fulfill a destiny that I have always wanted. I got my visa and I have been here for 2 years working and traveling. I really like this country so that is way I decided to stay here and go to college. Because English is not my first language I had some concern that I would not do well at school. But I am going to do my best, study hard because I think the education is very important.
The first year when I came in the United States I worked and lived in Wildwood, New Jersey. I worked in an Amusement park and worked as a ride operator. I stayed there for six months and I met my future husband. After Wildwood I moved to New York where now I live together with my husband in Sunnyside Queens.
My parents and my whole family still live in my hometown. It is very hard to be without my parents but I am hoping soon they will come here and join me. They are the ones who influenced me to go to college and succeed in life.
Now at this point of my life my goal is to graduate from LaGuardia Community College and make something more of myself. I hope one day I will be successful and accomplish all my career goals.