Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Blog 10

The major issue that the research writers are facing when writing a research paper is to avoid plagiarism. Other thing is to come across good topic and to find information related to that topic. I constantly have difficulties with the introduction as a result I change it a couple of times, until I assume I have good beginning with claim. I think I have improved in my writing but I still have to get better. Other issue that the writers face is the citation; every writer has to cite the resources. The time as well can be an issue therefore the writer has to plan ahead and after that begin writing the research paper.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Workshop 11/12/09

At first I was thinking to do a PowerPoint presentation with the book. But I choose option 3 to develop a research blog. What I’m going to accomplish is making a research blog on Blogger. The title of the book will be Macedonia. In the blog I will write the research and in my book I will have photographs. I will mail it to the web site blurb.com so they can publish it for me.
My blog: mknadica.blogspot.com

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog 9

For the Research Project/Media Final I don’t have a subject but I’m thinking to write a book, regarding my country. I will write about my personal opinion about my home country and my hometown. I will also write about the history and the places that are worth to see. I will place pictures that I took when I went on a summer vacation in my home country and I will explain exactly what the pictures represent, therefore the book will be more interesting. I will also have a PowerPoint presentation explaining how I did my research and my sources.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Essay 3

We need to distinguish between the real and the unreal world so we know the truth.I agree with Gracia and Sanford‘s assessment, need to have knowledge and beliefs. Gracia and Sanford in the book use “source” and “ontological status” to determine the difference between the real and unreal world. But what is the real world? What is virtual world? With the help of the sources actually the causes we can answer those questions.
In the movie “Matrix”, Neo says: “If you are killed in the Matrix you die there?” Then Morpheus responds: “The body cannot live without the mind.” Which means the mind makes it real, everything is real or unreal. Whatever is real is not unreal, and whatever is unreal is not real. Neo doesn’t know the difference; if it wasn’t for Morpheus he wouldn’t know that the Matrix is actually a virtual world. If Morpheus did not lead him out of the dream world and free him, he wouldn’t know the truth. But he had knowledge and from his experience knew something was wrong with his world.
Neo has a lot of questions: “What is the Matrix?”, “What is reality?”, “What is a person?”, and “What is a relation between mind and body?” (Irwin 56). To answer these questions we need the metaphysics. From the dictionary, metaphysics means branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality and the relationship between mind and matter. The metaphysics in the movie “Matrix” refers to the film itself and refers to the virtual world that is presented in the movie. With the causes we can distinguish between the real world and the virtual world. The causes for the real world are not the same with the causes responsible for creating the virtual world. The real world is the humans, and the virtual world is the machines. Actually the Matrix is a computer program that is made by intelligent machines. Aristotle states: “All human beings by nature desire to know.” (Irwin 55). The mind need to realize what is real and what is unreal. In the movie they use a lot the word “mind.” Includes Neo’s mind, Morpheus‘s mind and the other humans minds. For a difference, in the virtual world are the machines that don’t have minds. The word ontology is mentioned in the book too, means branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being. The virtual world depends from the machines, and the machines depend from the humans. This is why they are using the human energy and body heat. The virtual world depends from the real world; as a result unreal world is weaker. On the other side is the real world that doesn’t depend from somebody or something.
Ontological status is the senses, things and language. With our senses, how we feel and perceive the world, with the things around us, how they came, and with the language we can distinguish the difference between the real and unreal. But like Pedro Calderon states: “Life is a dream.” (Irwin 55) maybe we can’t tell the difference between our life and our dreams that we have. When sometimes, the dreams appear so real to us.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blog 8

The physical boundaries that define me a person is my natural skin, cream that i use for my face every day. My layers of clothes define my body, in winter time i wear more layers of clothes. Also what defines my body and me as a person is my apartment, and all the things inside my apartment. I think my home country defines me as a person because i can still relate to that place. As well what defines me as a person is the bus i use every day, and the college. I think every person depends on the network,one of them that we use the most is the Internet, the phone, also we use the TV to break the boundaries. We do depend a lot on the technology in 21th Century. Our whole life depends on the network, we have network of transportation, energy, information and communication. Charles Moore states "We have, as we all know, instant anywhere, as we enjoy our capacity to make immediate electronic contact with people anywhere on the face of the globe..."(Mitchell 16). Now the communication between two persons doesn't have to be face to face, but they can talk with each other from a different places. We can have a conversation with electronic contacts through phones and video calls, makes it much easier and saves time. With Internet our message or email can be delivered much faster to anyone in the world. Also with our peronal computer, with the technology we can do multiply tasks and get the wanted results faster. In our digital world we can get the needed information faster and we can get connected with anyone and save more time. All of my boundaries define my body, as well define my life.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog 7

For Essay 4:Media mid-term, i wrote about Bill Gates and his influence on the Media. I did a lot of research on plenty web sites. I used the web site like Microsoft.com where there are lot of information about his life and his company Microrosft. I did research on Gates Microsoft products: Windows, Windows 3.0. and the latest Windows 7 and i wrote how Microsoft products impacted the media. With everyone using personal computer and Microsoft, Interenet became one of the most influential source of media. For the PowerPoint i did research too, i used some of Bill Gates pictires and i placed it on my presentation, i also placed the images of Microsoft Windows which is one of the most well known image in the world. If a had a "do-over" i think i will do the same maybe just change some small details. On a scale 1-10 i will rate my effort 10 and rate my final product 9.